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2023 Louis Moreau Chablis 750 ml
$30 | per bottle |
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In 2023, Mother Nature kept Chablis vignerons on the edge of their seats. The year began as a moody dance between generous rains and cool temperatures, leaving vintners anxiously watching the vines. When summer came, it arrived with a dramatic flourish of heat and sunshine.
The parched earth and warming temperatures proved to be a blessing, as the vines responded by producing pristine fruit that struck an elegant balance between Chablis' steely essence and a softer, more approachable structure. What had started as a nerve-racking season turned into a testament to the resilience of both the vines and the vignerons.
The critics noticed. Decanter awarded the vintage four stars, noting: “The best results are in line with recent sunny vintages (such as 2018–2020 and 2022), with ripe orchard and stone fruit, a lush texture, balanced acidity and plenty of extract.”
Over their centuries in Chablis, the Moreau family has accumulated 124 acres of 40–45-year-old vines. The 2023 Chablis is a domaine bottling, which means the grapes are harvested entirely from, and the wine is bottled on, the estate. The 2023 showcases the vigor of very healthy grapes farmed under the philosophy known as la lutte raisonée (“the reasoned struggle”), which sharply limits the use of chemicals.
Louis Moreau ferments their Chablis entirely in stainless steel with native yeasts—as classic as it comes. Ten months of aging in those same tanks allows for the wine to bloom, as malolactic fermentation resolves the wine’s pointillist detail into harmonious brushstrokes.