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2021 Domaine Gassier Lou Coucardie Blanc Costieres de Nimes 750 ml
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Is Châteauneuf Blanc by Another Name…
We’ve had Michel Gassier’s fantastic Lou Coucardié Blanc many times. But when we tasted the 2021 with the winemaker himself in Montpellier early this year, we were stunned.
That’s because white Châteauneuf-du-Pape is a singular obsession for many wine lovers—and Michel has managed to deliver that same experience in a bottle that doesn’t come close to approaching CDP in price. Bold and luscious with exotic fruit, big aromas, and a plush texture that precedes a mile-long finish, this wine is something special. That’s why Jeb Dunnuck, in his 95-point review, said the ‘21 “might be the finest white I've tasted from this estate,” and that “it needs to be tasted to be believed.”
Domaine Gassier’s vineyards boast by nearly identical, gentle grades of ancient craggy vines and galets roulés—the smooth, unmistakable stones left by ancient glaciers—which are the distinguishing feature of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Located in the cooler southern portion of the Costières de Nîmes, the domaine’s terroir allows grapes to achieve a perfect synthesis of richness, texture, and brightness. That’s why it’s easy to mistake Gassier wines for much more expensive bottles.
Gassier has long been a favorite of Dunnuck, who said, “I buy my fair share every year” because they “consistently punch well above their price point.” When Wine Access Unfiltered host Amanda McCrossin wanted to add a weightier white to add to the shipment, our lightbulb instantly lit up with the perfect harvest-time white. “This is going to pair beautifully with all the root vegetables and squashes that are about to come into season,” she said. “A delicious Thanksgiving wine for sure!”