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2018 Mondot de Chateau Troplong Mondot Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 750 ml
$45 | per bottle |
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This Estate Rivals Any on the Right Bank
Troplong Mondot is one of the great wines of the Right Bank. A perennial favorite of ours (and of Wine Access members), the deep, inky wine can be mistaken for Right Bank Bordeaux legends Pétrus and Cheval Blanc if tasted blind.
It’s an easy winery to spot from the town of Saint-Émilion itself. Point yourself roughly south-east toward a small rise in the distance, and you can see it: Troplong Mondot’s vineyards occupy the highest point in the appellation.
With their vines extending down a hillside and up another, the estate enjoys a 360-degree exposure, which gives them the best of all aspects and angles to grow their grapes. The optimal sunshine, plus the cool clay and limestone soils in which Merlot thrives, is a recipe for Right Bank greatness.
The first half of the 2018 season brought significant rainfall through spring, spurring vigilant vineyard management. From mid-July on, conditions shifted dramatically to hot, dry weather that extended through harvest. This late-season warmth proved particularly beneficial for the Merlot-dominated Right Bank, allowing for optimal ripening of the grapes.
Troplong Mondot was one of the first estates on the Right Bank to vinify parcel-by-parcel, and in this sterling vintage they were spoiled for choice. After tasting through lots, they made the decision that their Mondot bottling would be 100% Merlot in 2018—ideal for a combination of early drinkability without sacrificing the personality of their limestone-heavy terroir.
This 2018 Mondot was impressive on release and it’s only blossomed since—though you don’t have to be in any rush to drink it. Enjoy it on special occasions over the next decade, with roast duck or smoked prime rib.